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    Steven developed a thorough plan to meet our complicated needs with a blended family and special needs child in a timely manner. - Cheryl F.

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    Mr. Jackson made a tough process easy and painless! - Kyle M.

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    "Integrity, trust - a rare item - it's here! - Ron F.

Use Written End of Life Directives

We are all going to pass on.  Even Lazarus, who Jesus called out of the tomb, eventually passed on again and is not here among us.

A Living Will gives your consent to removal of life support (often a ventilator) if you are terminally and incurably ill and death is imminent, or if you are brain dead and not coming back.  Many people will obtain “Do Not Resuscitate” (DNR) orders or other documents from their physician or hospital.  I’ve heard many people say that they place them on their refrigerators.  The idea is that the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) will abide by that and not try to resuscitate you if they find you close to death in your residence. 

You’ll want to watch for conflicts between your desires and your Health Care Agent.  If they are someone who does not want to follow your instructions, it can create trouble.  Specifically, if they take away the “Do Not Resuscitate” (DNR) order, they may be defeating your intended purpose.  This can be the case due to their unresolved emotional issues as opposed to what your specific intended desires are.

The more your instructions are specific and in writing, with as much legal authority as possible, the more likely your specific wishes will be carried out.

At the Law Firm of Steven Andrew Jackson, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, we have helped hundreds of families protect themselves and their loved ones, avoid Estate Taxes and Probate Costs, and keep their Estate Plans current with the law through The Customized Protective Estate Planning Solution™.