As we race towards December 31, 2019, the end of the Calendar Year, it is also the end of a Decade! This is the time to make sure that you have your Estate Plan up to date. The legal work for your Estate Planning maybe Income Tax Deductible and you may want the deduction for... [Read More]
Tag: taxes
What is AMT?
The Alternative Minimum Tax is a Tax Law that was put in place years ago to stop people who were “Wealthy”, but were not paying income taxes due to deductions. The “Wealthy” included anyone making approximately $45,000.00 per year and up. When Congress created the Alternative Minimum Tax they “forgot” to put in a “cost... [Read More]
Taxes Increased Under Obamacare for Investors
Forgotten in the most of the political back and forth over Obamacare, President Obama’s health care law that was passed during his first two years in office while his party held both the White House and both Houses of Congress, was that there is a tax inside that bill. Most of the news has been... [Read More]