REGISTER FOR STEVEN ANDREW JACKSON CONTINUING EDUCATION CLASS “FAMILY CONFLICT IN ESTATE PLANNING” Estate Planning attorney, Steven Andrew Jackson, will teach a one hour Continuing Education class on “Family Conflict in Estate Planning.” Description: The last thing a person wants to do when they pass on is create conflict for their loved ones. Often... [Read More]
Life is Tremendous
When I graduated from college, (long ago and far away), I received a gift of a book titled “Life is Tremendous” by Charlie Jones. It has a number of interesting points. One of the interesting points which I found to be true almost forty-years later are that there are three (3) big questions that we... [Read More]
Going Home
My mom was the kindest person I have ever known. I cannot remember anytime where she said anything negative about anyone. She went out of her way to make people feel welcome and accepted as they were. This was regardless of the circumstances or the people she was around. My mom was also the most... [Read More]
A Great Story Changes the Heart
I have always believed that: “A Good Story Touches the Heart; and a Great Story Changes the Heart™” Opening Up So much of what I am trying to do in Estate Planning is to get my clients to open up to me about what is really of value to them. It is often through their... [Read More]
Help Your Helpers
Last week I received a telephone call from an adult daughter who was in town from Atlanta as her mother had had a mini stroke and was in the hospital. The daughter was seeking to obtain a copy of her mother’s Healthcare Power of Attorney, aka Health Care Proxy. (This is the legal document where... [Read More]
How to be Reactively Proactive in the New Year
For many of us our New Year’s Resolutions include Getting Organized. We have a tendency over time to become reactive, as opposed to being reactively proactive. We often have a tendency to be like a rudderless ship at sea bouncing around as opposed to deciding which actions we want to take to make ourselves better... [Read More]
Fresh Start
As we discussed in the great Helen Keller statement “Life is either a Daring Adventure or Nothing,” Life is an “Adventure” (click here). It is like a river that we are being pulled down in our boat of life. Sometimes the waves are calm and it is easy, smooth sailing. Other times it is tumultuous... [Read More]
Life is either a Daring Adventure or Nothing
In 1940 Helen Keller wrote the following: “Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men, as a whole, experience it… Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful is caught as often as the bold…Life is either a daring adventure... [Read More]
Holiday Travels: Over the river and through the woods to another state
Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays are times of a great amount of travel in America. If you were in LA, the above “holiday” traffic photo is not one that would put you in the holiday spirit. Thanksgiving is the most traveled holiday and the Christmas holidays are close behind. It is a time for being thankful... [Read More]
What to do in an emergency?
Recent wildfires test our planning By Steven Andrew Jackson, Esq. Wildfires continue to burn in Western North Carolina, with tens of thousands of acres burning, and the fire departments working hard to control the blazes. People are scrambling with what to do with important items in their household in case they need to evacuate. The... [Read More]