Americans in Pain According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, in 2010 there were an estimated 8.76 million prescription drug abusers in the United States (Source). Pain pill addiction has become an epidemic in the United States. Most recently, the musician Prince died from an overdose of a prescription pain pill called Fentanyl. It... [Read More]
A Common Will Misconception: A Will Does Not Avoid Probate
I read it on the Internet so it must be true. NOT TRUE. Don’t believe everything you read online, including information about the legal process. A recent Reuter’s article, “Dearly beloved: Prince’s death prompts uptick in wills” contains misleading and incorrect information which can end up costing you more money and time then is... [Read More]
Lessons from Prince: How the IRS becomes family
As I discussed in my previous blogs (Prince’s Estate Plan)(Prince’s Unlikely (and possibly, Unwanted) Heirs) Prince’s lack of Estate Planning teaches us the following lessons: How to let the IRS become family… Prince’s lack of Estate Planning is making the Internal Revenue Service his primary beneficiary, an unnamed heir, if you will. The IRS is going to take... [Read More]
Prince’s Unlikely (and, possibly Unwanted) Heirs: A lesson for us all
THE FAMILY TREE ISN’T ALWAYS FAMILY Everyone’s family tree is unique but usually in all of them there is a cousin, a sibling, a step-sibling or some kind of relative we don’t always “claim.” In some cases, there are issues with family members that have created a permanent divide. If you consider your “Life’s Work™”... [Read More]
Mental Incompetency: Two high profile cases, Two lessons learned
Lesson 1: Sumner Redstone, Billionaire: Mental Incompetency Case Dismissed The Trial over the Mental Incompetency of 92 year old billionaire, Sumner Redstone (former chairman of Viacom of the Viacom Media Empire), was dismissed by the Judge. As previously stated in my blog “Media Mogul Redstone Court Fight” click here Mr. Redstone’s former girlfriend had filed an... [Read More]
Prince’s Estate Plan
Prince: No Estate Plan? Out of Character Since the iconic musician Prince was discovered dead in the elevator in his residence on April 21, 2016, there has been a lot of speculation on his Estate Plan. Prince did not leave a wife or any children. He left one full sister and several half-siblings. Recent reports are... [Read More]
Advisor Estate Planning Continuing Education Class: May 18, 2016
REGISTER FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION CLASS “Advisor Business from Estate Planning” aka “What’s in it for Me?” aka “Where is the Sale?” Estate Planning attorney, Steven Andrew Jackson, will teach a one hour Continuing Education class on “Advisor Business from Estate Planning” (aka “What’s in it for Me?” aka “Where is the Sale?”). The class will... [Read More]
Death, Digital Assets & the Law: Part 5: Tools and Resources
This is the final article in a 5 part series, co-written by attorney, Steven Andrew Jackson, Esq. and Mari Peterson of Compass Project Partners, a business strategic planner. In this series we have explored the convergence of death and technology on estate planning and administration. Click here to read Part 1: Death, Digital Assets & the... [Read More]
Death, Digital Assets & the Law: Part 4: What can you do?
This series is co-written by attorney, Steven Andrew Jackson, Esq. and Mari Peterson of Compass Project Partners, a business strategic planner. This is a 5 part series exploring the convergence of death and technology on estate planning and administration. Click here to read Part 1: Death, Digital Assets & the Law: Introduction Click here to read... [Read More]
Death, Digital Assets & the Law: Part 3 – The Uniform Law Commission Solution
This series is co-written by attorney, Steven Andrew Jackson, Esq. and Mari Peterson, former law firm administrator. This is a 5 part series. Click here to read Part 1: Death, Digital Assets & the Law: Introduction Click here to read Part 2: The Estate Planning Lawyer’s Perspective In this series we have been addressing the... [Read More]