Diana Nyad Uses Prior Challenges to Reach Goal

64 year old Diana Nyad used her prior challenge of being stung in the face by jellyfish to use a special swim mask to protect her during her historic swim from Cuba to the U.S.  She hadn’t “Tried & Failed”, she had “Tried & Learned” from her previous challenge of trying the open water swim.... [Read More]

Yosemite Wildfires: Are We Safe?

Whether the Danger is natural like a Fire, or manmade like a Lawsuit, we want to make sure we, and those we love and what we own, are protected when danger strikes. With the wildfires racing through Yosemite National Park we think about what if those fires were burning up our home?  Or what if... [Read More]

North Carolina Repeals The State’s Estate Tax

The North Carolina Legislature repealed the State’s Estate Tax in July 2013 making the repeal retroactive to deaths on January 1, 2013 or later. The North Carolina State Tax was tied to the Federal Estate Tax. In other words if you did not hit or trigger the Federal Estate Tax you did not trigger any... [Read More]