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    Steven developed a thorough plan to meet our complicated needs with a blended family and special needs child in a timely manner. - Cheryl F.

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    Mr. Jackson made a tough process easy and painless! - Kyle M.

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    "Integrity, trust - a rare item - it's here! - Ron F.

The Customized Protective Estate Planning Solution™

A Unique Estate Planning Process that Protects and Provides for You and Your Loved Ones™

1. The First Step™

We gather and review your information and your existing Estate Plan prior to our first meeting. Our Unique Goals & Concerns Identifier™ helps you focus. We are well prepared and efficient in our first meeting.

2. The Estate Concerns & Goals Conversation™

We will work together to identify all of your assets and the strengths and weaknesses of your loved ones.

From our over 35 years of legal experience we help you understand how Estate Planning works, how we would protect and provide for you and your loved ones, and avoid Taxes and Probate Costs as together we design your Individual Customized Protective Estate Plan™.

3. Protecting You & Yours™

Together we design your Individual Customized Protective Estate Plan™ to keep you in control if you become Mentally Disabled.

We plan to protect the surviving spouse in the event of a car wreck lawsuit or remarriage.

We plan to keep your assets in your family.

We plan to protect your loved ones or children in the event they are in a car wreck lawsuit or a divorce.

We plan for Special Needs and Addiction as needed.

We can plan to protect your children from squandering their inheritance. We may plan for grandchildren or to provide college education.

4. Taxes & Probate Avoider™

As part of our Individual Customized Protective Estate Plan™, we plan to avoid or limit the very expensive Estate Taxes and Capital Gains Taxes.

We also plan to avoid the expense, delay and publicity of Probate Court. This includes Court Costs that can be up to $6,000 per person, or $12,000 a couple. Administrative fees can be 7% or moreof your total Estate. Average Probate Court time can be 18 – 24 months.

5. Activating the Plan™

At our signing meeting you and Attorney Steven Andrew Jackson review in detail your Individual Customized Protective Estate Plan™ so that you understand your Plan and see that it meets your Goals.

We review all the protections built in for you, your spouse and your loved ones. We fine tune any modifications to better protect and provide for your loved ones. Together we review how the Tax and Probate Avoidance Planning works for your particular Individual Customized Protective Estate Plan™.

6. Coordinating with Advisors™

We coordinate with your other professional advisors: Financial Advisors, Certified Financial Planners, Accountants, Insurance Professionals and other Attorneys or professionals that you want us to communicate with. That way your team works together on your behalf.

Our estate planning process is unique because of you and changing social & cultural trends and changing priorities. It’s not just about the taxes and the laws – it’s about listening to you and understanding what makes your situation different.